Comment implementer l'algorithme du gradient ("gradient descent") en python pour trouver un minimum local ?

Published: 21 mars 2017

Tags: Python; Machine learning; Protection Status

Exemple d'implémentation de l'algorithm du gradient ("gradient descent") en python pour trouver un minimum local:

Test avec une fonction à une dimension

Algorithme du gradient (gradient descent) avec python (1D)
Algorithme du gradient (gradient descent) avec python (1D)

from scipy import misc

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Function Definition

def fonction(x):
    return 3*x*x+2*x+1

# Plot function

x = np.arange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.01)
y = fonction(x)

plt.plot(x, y,'r-')

# Gradient Descent

alpha = 0.1 # learning rate
nb_max_iter = 100 # Nb max d'iteration
eps = 0.0001 # stop condition

x0 = 1.5 # start point
y0 = fonction(x0)
plt.scatter(x0, fonction(x0))

cond = eps + 10.0 # start with cond greater than eps (assumption)
nb_iter = 0 
tmp_y = y0
while cond > eps and nb_iter < nb_max_iter:
    x0 = x0 - alpha * misc.derivative(fonction, x0)
    y0 = fonction(x0)
    nb_iter = nb_iter + 1
    cond = abs( tmp_y - y0 )
    tmp_y = y0
    print x0,y0,cond
    plt.scatter(x0, y0)

plt.title("Gradient Descent Python (1d test)")

plt.savefig("gradient_descent_1d_python.png", bbox_inches='tight')

Test avec une fonction à deux dimensions

Algorithme du gradient (gradient descent) avec python (2D)
Algorithme du gradient (gradient descent) avec python (2D)

from scipy import misc

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math

# Function

def fonction(x1,x2):
    return - 1.0 * math.exp(-x1**2 - x2**2);

def partial_derivative(func, var=0, point=[]):
    args = point[:]
    def wraps(x):
        args[var] = x
        return func(*args)
    return misc.derivative(wraps, point[var], dx = 1e-6)

# Plot Function

x1 = np.arange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.1)
x2 = np.arange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.1)

xx1,xx2 = np.meshgrid(x1,x2);

z = - 1.0 * np.exp(-xx1**2 - xx2**2);

h = plt.contourf(x1,x2,z)

# Gradient Descent

alpha = 0.1 # learning rate
nb_max_iter = 100 # Nb max d'iteration
eps = 0.0001 # stop condition

x1_0 = 1.0 # start point
x2_0 = 1.5 
z0 = fonction(x1_0,x2_0)

cond = eps + 10.0 # start with cond greater than eps (assumption)
nb_iter = 0 
tmp_z0 = z0
while cond > eps and nb_iter < nb_max_iter:
    tmp_x1_0 = x1_0 - alpha * partial_derivative(fonction, 0, [x1_0,x2_0])
    tmp_x2_0 = x2_0 - alpha * partial_derivative(fonction, 1, [x1_0,x2_0])
    x1_0 = tmp_x1_0
    x2_0 = tmp_x2_0
    z0 = fonction(x1_0,x2_0)
    nb_iter = nb_iter + 1
    cond = abs( tmp_z0 - z0 )
    tmp_z0 = z0
    print x1_0,x2_0,cond
    plt.scatter(x1_0, x2_0)

plt.title("Gradient Descent Python (2d test)")

plt.savefig("gradiend_descent_2d_python.png", bbox_inches='tight')

Test avec une fonction à trois dimensions

Algorithme du gradient (gradient descent) avec python (3D)
Algorithme du gradient (gradient descent) avec python (3D)

from scipy import misc

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math

# Function

global x1_sphere 
global x2_sphere 
global x3_sphere

x1_sphere = 1.5
x2_sphere = 2.5
x3_sphere = 0.5

def fonction(x1,x2,x3):
    r1 = x1 - x1_sphere
    r2 = x2 - x2_sphere
    r3 = x3 - x3_sphere
    return r1*r1 + r2*r2 + r3*r3 ;

def partial_derivative(func, var=0, point=[]):
    args = point[:]
    def wraps(x):
        args[var] = x
        return func(*args)
    return misc.derivative(wraps, point[var], dx = 1e-6)

# Plot Function

x1 = np.arange(0.0, 3.0, 0.1)
x2 = np.arange(0.0, 3.0, 0.1)
x3 = np.arange(0.0, 3.0, 0.1)

dim_x1 = x1.shape[0]
dim_x2 = x2.shape[0]
dim_x3 = x3.shape[0]

print dim_x1

z2 = np.zeros((dim_x1,dim_x2))
z3 = np.zeros((dim_x1,dim_x3))

for i in np.arange(dim_x1):
    for j in np.arange(dim_x2):
        r1 = x1[i] - x1_sphere
        r2 = x2[j] - x2_sphere
        r3 = 0.0   - x3_sphere
        z2[i,j] = r1*r1 + r2*r2 + r3*r3

h = plt.contourf(x1,x2,z2)
plt.savefig("gradient_descent_3d_python_x1_x2", bbox_inches='tight')

for i in np.arange(dim_x1):
    for j in np.arange(dim_x3):
        r1 = x1[i] - x1_sphere
        r2 = 0.0   - x2_sphere
        r3 = x3[j] - x3_sphere
        z3[i,j] = r1*r1 + r2*r2 + r3*r3

h = plt.contourf(x1,x3,z3)
plt.savefig("gradient_descent_3d_python_x1_x3", bbox_inches='tight')

# Gradient Descent

alpha = 0.1 # learning rate
nb_max_iter = 100 # Nb max d'iteration
eps = 0.0001 # stop condition

x1_0 = 0.0 # start point
x2_0 = 0.5 
x3_0 = 0.0 
z0 = fonction(x1_0,x2_0,x3_0)

cond = eps + 10.0 # start with cond greater than eps (assumption)
nb_iter = 0 
tmp_z0 = z0
while cond > eps and nb_iter < nb_max_iter:
    tmp_x1_0 = x1_0 - alpha * partial_derivative(fonction, 0, [x1_0,x2_0,x3_0])
    tmp_x2_0 = x2_0 - alpha * partial_derivative(fonction, 1, [x1_0,x2_0,x3_0])
    tmp_x3_0 = x3_0 - alpha * partial_derivative(fonction, 2, [x1_0,x2_0,x3_0])
    x1_0 = tmp_x1_0
    x2_0 = tmp_x2_0
    x3_0 = tmp_x3_0
    z0 = fonction(x1_0,x2_0,x3_0)
    nb_iter = nb_iter + 1
    cond = abs( tmp_z0 - z0 )
    tmp_z0 = z0
    print x1_0,x2_0,x3_0,cond
    plt.scatter(x3_0, x1_0)

plt.title("Gradient Descent Python (3d test)")

plt.savefig("gradient_descent_23_python.png", bbox_inches='tight')


Liens Site
Algorithme du gradient wikipedia
